Compliance Requirements for Remote Employees


Working from home is now the new norm for many employees, especially amid the COVID-19 global pandemic, which has forced many of us to stay at home. Even with countries slowly entering a new normal, companies allow employees who want to continue their setup to do so.

But the work-from-home setup will also mean dealing with major compliance requirements. While we can opt for online compliance training programs, there are a few differences between remote workers and employees working in a traditional office.

Read on to learn more about the requirements you need to comply with and include in your compliance training for remote workers using platforms like True Office Learning to learn from.

  1. Payroll Requirements

If you have employees working from another state, where will you withhold taxes? Payroll may be challenging for employers located near state borders, require employees to travel to other states for job sites, or will be expanding into new states.

Employees need to pay taxes to the state where the work is performed. Other states bordering each other enter reciprocal agreements when workers live in one state but work in a neighboring state. However, the laws differ from state to state, so it’s crucial to talk with an expert on this.


  1. Privacy and Data Security


When adding remote employees to the workforce, the network endpoints and potential risks for cyber-attacks will increase. With the increasing use of wireless networks, mobile devices, and data disclosure in public spaces, the business is exposed and vulnerable!

That’s why it’s important to update the privacy and data security section of your compliance training, particularly for remote workers. You need to have security policies in place to prevent any data infiltration and loss, and to inform your remote workers about cross-border data transfer laws and consequences of sharing confidential information.

  1. Workers’ Compensation


Many states will require that companies provide compensation coverage for employees. But how about remote workers who get injured from the job?


While most employees can claim benefits, state laws may differ on what will constitute a work-related injury. To prevent confusion, you must set clear guidelines and inform remote workers about job duties and work hours so it will be easier to separate work-related claims.

  1. Harassment Prevention


Remote workers may work in states with a lower bar for what’s considered as harassment or would require training for it. Remote work can also come with a higher risk for harassment, like employees wearing inappropriate clothing, roommates in meeting backgrounds unaware they’re visible on camera, or visible objects employees may consider offensive while in video conference meetings.


It’s important to set boundaries and train remote workers about harassment in a remote work setup. It can be through training or regular reminders about staying mindful of what’s behind them when their cameras are on during meetings. However, don’t go overboard with policies and standards and make sure restrictions are logical, as people’s private homes are also affected here.

Wrapping It Up

Ensure that your company remains compliant with the law by looking into these considerations for remote workers.

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