Fine Craft of Making the lab Grown Diamond

In barely a few months you can buy lab grown diamonds from the jeweler. They look exactly like real diamonds, but cost up to 30 percent less. Two American companies market the artificial stones and believe it will be a success. Lab grown, the most important diamond city in the world, keeps a close eye on the trend and can only hope that the customer will continue to choose an ancient, natural stone.
The man made diamonds will be on the market this summer. This means that from now on you will have to pay a lot less for diamonds. Above all, it means that the traditional diamond industry, with Lab grown in the lead, could be hit hard. In the comparison of lab grown diamonds vs real diamonds here are the things that we would like to say.
Lab Grown Diamonds Are Not a New Phenomenon
Russian soldiers were already making them in the 1970s. They used giant artificial diamonds for super-lenses in spy satellites. After the Cold War, the Americans adopted and further developed Russian techniques. Two American companies have been working on the perfect diamond for years. Gemesis, a Florida company, can imitate the natural evolution of diamonds using high temperatures and high pressure. Gemesis already sells artificial gemstones that are 75 percent cheaper. At least three other companies are working on the same technology. Apollo Diamond in Boston can ‘grow’ diamonds in a pressure chamber.
Introduction in Current Market
What is new is that the companies are now also putting lab grown diamonds on the market. The artificial stones have the same physical and chemical properties as natural diamonds. With the naked eye you cannot distinguish the stones from real diamonds. The renowned American weekly Newsweek confronted renowned diamond experts with diamonds that had been manufactured in a few days in the laboratory in Boston. None of the experts noticed that they were lab grown diamonds.
Such ‘experiments’ make the diamond sector nervous.
Diamonds were always so special because they form about 150 kilometers underground. After millions of years of volcanic activity, they are finally coming to the surface. No diamond is the same, which drives their prices into the air. But will they retain that value if there are also lab grown diamonds that look just as beautiful and as unique? Most importantly, won’t people just buy a much cheaper, artificial diamond?
The Lab grown diamond sector therefore intends to capitalize on this difference and make this clear to customers: only real diamonds stand for ‘dreams and emotions’. The question is whether the customer is willing to pay much more for a ‘dream’ that looks exactly like an artificial diamond. Gemesis has already sold one-carat yellow diamonds for 3,700 dollars. For the natural variant you easily pay 14,000 dollars. Nevertheless, the diamond sector believes that this price difference will not be a problem. “Aren’t you willing to pay ten times more for a real Louis Vuitton handbag?
Panic or not, Lab grown has certainly prepared itself.
The chance that a producer will settle in the Scheldt city is small, but the diamonds will certainly come onto the market. The research team of the Diamond High Council has therefore designed a new, compact device that can tell in a fraction of a second whether a diamond is real or not.