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Have you decided to sell your products or services online? Very good idea. Today purchases are made more and more on the internet. However, certain good practices are essential to really boost your sales via your website. The Web Nomad gives you 8 tips to implement.

Your website must be mobile-friendly

In other words, to increase your sales, your site must be easily usable from smartphones or tablets, it must be “Responsive”.

How to check if your site is responsive? Connect to it from your smartphone and see if you need to zoom in or not to distinguish text or categories. If it is not, quickly call a web agency that will adapt your site to different media.

Categorize your products

It is essential to sort and arrange your products clearly in categories and sub-categories so that the Internet user can easily find what they are looking for on your site. Of course, we must not fall into over-categorization.

Another good practice is to integrate a search bar on the home page as well as filters for each category. For example, for an online clothing store, it is useful to filter by size, gender, color and brands.

Create a blog

A blog on your online sales website allows you to regularly post articles related to your activity. The blog has three main advantages:

  • It improves the natural referencing of your website through the creation of regular content. In other words, your blog allows you to improve the positioning of your website on the search engine results pages.
  • It positions you as an expert in your field of activity.
  • It brings traffic to your website: potential customers can see your articles and later want to buy one of your products or services.

Use quality product photos

One of the biggest obstacles to buying online is that they cannot see or touch the product with their own eyes.

Product photos are therefore essential to the conclusion of the sale! The product must be shown from several angles to allow the Internet user to distinguish its height, width and depth.

Light is also important: The product must be well lit to perceive its true appearance.

Use social networks

Facebook, Instagram or even Twitter is complementary to your website. These social networks allow you to create a community where you can share links to your website.

A novelty? A brand to highlight? Promote it on your Facebook page which will drive traffic and sales to your website. Obviously for the previous steps as well as for the current ones, you will need the BTW consulting.

Analyze your website traffic

Today tools such as Google Analytics allow you to analyze the traffic of your online store.Which page is the most visited? Which product is the least viewed? Where do your customers and prospects come from?

This information is invaluable in order to best adapt your offer. If a flagship product is not consulted enough why not change its place on your website? If then the product is regularly consulted but little purchased, there may be a problem with the photos or the description.

Reduce delivery costs

Abandonment rates are particularly high, especially when the Internet user discovers prohibitive delivery costs.

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