How to Talk to Someone About Your Depression


Imagine treading the churning waters of the ocean with weights shackled to your feet; no matter how hard you push, you struggle to stay afloat. For people with depression, this is how it can feel to get through most days. If you struggle with depression, you may feel tired, discouraged and alone, but make no mistake — you are not alone, and it is perfectly okay to talk about your problems with other people. Even if you don’t receive workers comp for depression, there are ways to cope. Here are a few tips for opening up about your depression.

Be Forward

Depression works by lying to you and convincing you to believe hurtful, sad things about yourself. To combat this, you need to be upfront and honest when talking about your depression. Don’t rely on dropping hints or hoping other people will approach you about it — while people do care about you and may come to you first, the only person you can control when looking for help is yourself. If you find yourself speaking with someone you would feel comfortable sharing your troubles with, be direct: tell them you’re going through a hard time and that you want to talk about it.

Be Empathetic

It’s been said that one of the best ways to work through your own problems is to help someone else. If you still feel uncomfortable talking about your depression at first, start by asking someone else how they are doing. Ask a family member or coworker if they’re doing okay, or talk to the cashier about their day next time you go out for groceries. Listen to what they have to say and offer support if they’re dealing with a problem; once you’ve done this, it’s easier to connect with them by sharing your own struggles.

Be Kind to Yourself

No matter what your depression leads you to believe, you are deserving of love and help. Don’t let fear or intimidation stop you from speaking up about what’s going on, and recognize that isolation is the real enemy of healing. Don’t be afraid to seek support from people you know and trust, and consider joining a local support group or mental health forum online. Above all, keep in mind that healing takes time and likely will not happen overnight, so it’s important to be patient with yourself.

Depression is a daily struggle that can make even the simplest tasks feel impossible, but there are ways to work past the pain and disinterest. Opening up about what you’re going through is critical in the healing process, and there are countless ways to find your voice when talking about depression. Remember to be open-minded, honest with yourself and others about what you need and understanding of those around you; overcoming depression takes time and patience. If you ever feel that you may harm yourself or someone else, reach out for help. You can contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, or visit the Suicide Prevention Lifeline website for more help.


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