Let’s protect each other with masks and the vaccine, by Ronnee Strickland


I am so tired of people not wanting to wear masks and get the vaccine. I had some fabric printed with my business logo on it — Ronnee Strickland & Associates — and I made masks. I gave them to anyone who will take then. Please wear a mask and/or get a vaccine. I even see that the pga is requiring golfers to pay for their own Covid tests if they won’t get vaccinated.–

All from the CDC, compiled by Ronnee Strickland

What We Know

COVID-19 vaccines are effective at keeping you from getting COVID-19.
After you are fully vaccinated, you may be able to start doing some things you had stopped doing because of the pandemic.

Studies show that COVID-19 vaccines are effective at keeping you from getting COVID-19. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine will also help keep you from getting seriously ill even if you do get COVID-19.

COVID-19 vaccination is an important tool to help us get back to normal. Learn more about the benefits of getting vaccinated.

Find a COVID-19 vaccine if you are among those currently recommended to get vaccinated.
COVID-19 vaccines teach our immune systems how to recognize and fight the virus that causes COVID-19. It typically takes two weeks after vaccination for the body to build protection (immunity) against the virus that causes COVID-19. That means it is possible a person could still get COVID-19 before or just after vaccination and then get sick because the vaccine did not have enough time to provide protection. People are considered fully protected two weeks after their second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, or two weeks after the single-dose Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccine.

You should keep using all the tools available to protect yourself and others until you are fully vaccinated. After you are fully vaccinated, you may be able to start doing some things you had stopped doing because of the pandemic. Learn more about what you can do when you have been fully vaccinated.


Masks are an additional step to help prevent people from getting and spreading COVID-19. They provide a barrier that keeps respiratory droplets from spreading. Wear a mask and take every day preventive actions in public settings.

Take these 4 steps for the most protection.
Wear masks
Stay 6 feet apart
Avoid crowds and poorly ventilated places
Wash your hands
Be safe!

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