Things You Should Know About Running a Business During the Circuit Breaker


As long as running companies during the circuit breaker are concerned, ‘difficult’ is not the right word. It is going to be ‘challenging’ for firms to keep their feet on the ground. However, once they do, they should find it easier to adapt to the new normal. 

Applying to Resume Your Business in the Circuit Breaker

Only companies where there won’t be prolonged physical contact will be allowed to run. For this, they need to follow various safety precautions, some of which we will discuss in the latter part of this article. 

To ensure that only companies which can effectively manage the spread of the pandemic get to operate, the government has asked firms to make an application. Companies will need to answer some critical inquiries, and authorities will decide whether or not to let the business continue its activities.

You can look at a guide for application to resume business Singapore to know how it operates. 

Precautions Against the Coronavirus

The MOH and MOM have jointly issued guidelines for businesses to adhere to if they want to operate during the circuit breaker. These terms are strict, and not being able to follow them completely will make the company liable for actions:

  • The firm should hire a Safety Management Officer (SMO) who will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the guidelines in a firm.
  • Employees should be allowed to work from home every time it is possible.
  • With staggered schedules and Work from Home, companies should ensure that a minimal number of workers are in the office space.
  • Masks are necessary, employees should maintain social distancing, and the office should be sanitized.
  • SafeEntry Management System is a must for every office in Singapore. 
  • Temperature screenings and health checkups should be done regularly. 

Note: Each firm should put forward an implementation plan that says how they plan to follow all the requirements of the Safe Management measures. 

These are the main ones to keep on mind, but there also are other guidelines for firms to be able to Continue business with COVID Singapore.


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