What is Organic Waste and How can Once Compost It in a Residential Community?

Organic waste, such as food scraps and yard trimmings are essential because they are a valuable resource for creating nutrient-rich soil amendment through composting. Diverting organic waste from landfills helps to reduce methane production, conserve landfill space, and create a valuable resource for gardening and landscaping.
What is meant by organic waste?
Organic waste refers to any biodegradable material that is derived from living organisms, such as food scraps, yard trimmings, and agricultural waste. This waste is a significant contributor to landfills, making up a substantial portion of the waste stream.
Some examples of common organic waste include vegetable peelings, fruit rinds, leaves and grass clippings and paper products like cardboard and newspapers. Agricultural waste, such as straw or animal manure, are also organic waste.
When organic waste is sent to a landfill, it decomposes without oxygen, which creates methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Also, it takes up majority space in landfills, releasing odors and attracting pests. However, this waste is a valuable resource that can be used to create nutrient-rich soil amendment through composting.
How to compost organic waste in a residential community?
Worm composting, also known as vermicomposting, is an easy and efficient way to turn kitchen scraps, paper waste, and yard debris into rich, fertile soil. The process involves introducing worms into a bin of organic waste, where they break it down and produce nutrient-rich compost.
- To get started with worm composting, you will need a worm bin, bedding material, and, of course, worms. A simple worm bin can be made from a plastic storage container with holes drilled into it for ventilation, or you can purchase a commercially made worm bin. The bedding material can be made from shredded newspaper or coconut coir.
- Worms can be obtained from a variety of sources, including bait shops, gardening stores, or online. The most commonly used worm for vermicomposting is the red wiggler. Once the bin is set up, you can begin adding organic materials, such as fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, and crushed eggshells. Avoid adding meats, dairy products, or anything oily.
- As the worms break down the organic materials, they produce compost, which can be harvested from the bottom of the bin. This compost can be then used in gardens, flower beds, and houseplants.
Thus, composting is an easy, natural way to reduce waste and create a valuable soil amendment for your garden or community park. Use Vers L’avenir red wiggler worms today to get the best quality compost.