Benefits of Using the Channel Loyalty Program


Loyalty matters in sales! Here is why- when your sales channels lead with your products or services, then they sell more of your products due to more potential clients.

Some customers quote your products or services. Are those potential clients purchasing your products with increasing frequency? You can measure the benefits of using the channel loyalty program than the partner organization. You can execute the channel loyalty program directly to build your customer’s knowledge and competence across your product or service portfolio and then sell your products or services more frequently. You can shift trends from your competitor’s brand and build loyalty and revenue in the sales channel. 

The partner loyalty program is more at risk than ever before. Current indicators include:

  • Vendors look for new partners when they move to the cloud. Competitors may be your partners.
  • Vendors moving to a channel model from a direct model compete with your partner.
  • Organizations through campaigns open distribution channel that creates new opportunities.
  • Vendor models of businesses are becoming more complicated, and resellers aim to decrease the number of vendors as they represent when relationships need overhead. So, it would be best if you did not put loyalty at risk because it is challenging to carry business.
  • Partner account managers are thinly spread for vendors. They cannot cover all their reps and partners correctly. Many reps are exposed to an alternative vendor who supports them. There are other proven ways to enable partner account managers to extend their reach.
  • The overall base might shrink of partners.

Can You Risk It

If you don’t channel your partner reps then they may shift to a competitor, what will that cost you?

Build Channel Loyalty Program with The Sales Rep

Considering that you cater your brand to your end-users, it provides a holistic portfolio of products or services that agile with market trends. It offers business proven marketing strategies with channel loyalty programs. The channel loyalty programs enable business continuity with scalability.

Vendors depend on their channel loyalty program partners such as Edenred SG for market share growth and generate sales. With Edenred SG, it offers a channel loyalty program to drive share and revenue with proven methods.

What Does it Take to Strengthen Channel Loyalty Program Constantly 

Let us discuss a few methods that ensure strengthening of channel loyalty program continuously that include:

  • You must understand that the channel loyalty program builds mind and market share with the sales workforce directly. You do not have to depend on any partner executive management to share your message. Partner communications guide sales reps to shift your share of the brand.
  • You must have strategic planning to design a channel loyalty program. It would help if you considered the sales cycle right from identification through deal progression to close the deal. It would be best if you determined the activities that influence and associate the channel loyalty value. Customers generate new opportunities through channel loyalty programs with millions of dollar revenue.
  • You can recognize and reward for completion of training and build the confidence and competence among your channels that requires your brand to lead.
  • Your channel loyalty program should be easy and simple to use for partner sales reps, owners, and your channel marketing team. Many programs are running following the past a decade of strategies that do not meet today’s marketing trends. Programs failure occurs when there is no implementation of proper technology, without customer support and time-consuming payment processes.
  • You have to make sure your program has scalability. We have seen where programs are released only to one reseller and not many resellers- the vendor gets success. Still, the program has no scalability due to its inefficient technology and methods.

Benefits of Channel Loyalty Program that Includes

Let us discuss a few of the channel loyalty program advantage at Edenred SG that include:

Increased Revenue 

Increased revenue is the most advantage of the channel loyalty program. A well-managed channel loyalty program helps to create significant growth in revenue and distribution of products or services. These kinds of channel loyalty programs are beneficial to both parties. For vendors, it generates revenue but also enhances sales footprint. On the other hand, the vendor owners develop revenue for their businesses.

Advanced Resources and Expertise

The channel loyalty program has the authority to allow a vendor’s full range of financial and human resources. These resources include technical support, market training, product marketing, marketing assistance, campaign templates, co-opted funds, and much more. All these resources and expertise help to build a stronger presence in the market.

Get Actionable Insights

You can use a single channel to drive testing, training, communication, sales, incentives, validation, identification, reward, loyalty program fulfillment. The reporting, as well as for analytics, drive actionable insights that can be easily and efficiently use to make smarter decisions to drive your sales and growth. A channel loyalty program offers strategies to build your brand effectively.

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