Greater Options with the CRM Systems Now


A strategy many who define CRM as a strategy of the company. This perspective fits perfectly in the continuity of a current of research that tries to demonstrate that a market orientation 6, and better an orientation Strategy 7 customer, can contribute to the company’s performance. The reasoning scheme is simple. The primitive concept is that of customer, he involves duration, episodes, and unfolds in the perspective of a hypothetical customer’s life cycle. Also you will need to have a proper idea about what is cram software and how to make use of it.

Object of CRM Now

The object of the CRM thus appears simply as the management of this life cycle. He finds his emblematic indicator through the notion of Value net discount of the customer 8 or more generally of customer capital. Just as the share of Market is the iconic indicator of Mix Marketing’s doctrine. It reflects the structure of choice which is the central object of this doctrine. The management problem that must settle this business philosophy is indeed to maximize the probability that the consumer chooses the brand against others at the time of purchase. With the concept of life time value, a different idea is introduced, it is a matter of maximizing value extracted from the client’s operation. The use of the best free crm android app comes perfect there now.

The Corresponding Options

It corresponds to a generic problem that would be to inhibit the choices, or to make them systematic, since the initial choice has been done. Expressed in this way this management philosophy suffers however from a defect major: it assumes a representative client and ignores the demographics of the clientele: every moment new customers arrive, old ones disappear and otherstransform, so that it is intellectually unsatisfactory to limit this business philosophy to a management of the relationship cycle. The use of the faculty management system comes perfect here.

A fairer representation revolves around the notion of a portfolio of customers whose image is built in segmentations and scorings, which can much of it, can be summed up in two criteria: the business potential of each customer, their degree of fidelity if not their lifetime 9. Consider the whole of the population, in all its variety clearly shows four major types of actions which can be conducted simultaneously on critical groups of customers, and the relative importance depends on the structure of the portfolio.

  • Acquire new customers, preferably promising- Retain the most valuable customers even if you try to lock them
  • Develop customers with potential- Remove expensive customers This representation of the problem relativizes the importance of loyalty, even if a kind of unanimity was established following the work of Richfield 10 to give customer retention and development a clear priority. Loyalty is clear recommendation, the echo of which continues to spread in the companies.

The simple analytical point of view here shows that things could be more complex. A second way to characterize customer management strategies is to consider on the one hand the degree of finesse with which one can treat customers, the utopian dimension of one-to-one or mass-customization, and on the other hand the ability to form a strong link, difficult to dissolve and to be able to influence consumer behavior and attitudes.

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