Internet Marketing Which Should Be Applied To A New Startup


Marketing for a matured corporate and marketing for a new startup should be treated different. They should each have a quite distinct set of digital marketing strategy. Startup marketing may be both simple and complex. Because of low level of resources available, the whole team is often confined in a working space. This gives a vague team structure or no team structure at all. This means each team member is no fixed in a single role. There may be a role who does a bit of administration and a bit of social media marketing, where she handles a few social media accounts for the startup. This setup actually allows higher efficiency in the beginning stages of the business. It lets the business grow as fast as possible.

The internet marketing for the startup would begin with marketing the team’s voice and message to the target audience. Too often newly startup companies do not have sufficient budget to do a lot, especially nowadays getting traffic (i.e. new visitors and new customers) to the company website requires a lot of advertising budget. But fortunately, the marketing persons may start with using the best free traffic sources. The free approach (when it is executed consistently and correctly) would be sufficient to take the marketing efforts of the business to a certain point, which is usually a good starting point.

Through all the traffic sources that the marketing team has chosen to spend time and effort, whether it is social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc), or forums, or other traffic sources/channels, it is important to first create the right message for your product. Data Analytics Consulting Spend enough and consistent effort on each critical channel/platform to pass the marketing message to the target audience. In the beginning, you will probably have no idea what message or content would work. So create and design a few sets, have them publish, and track the performance of each message. This way, you will soon figure out the best types of messages for your target audience, and make the necessary changes to the messages according to the actual circumstances.

Keep in mind that with a small startup, you can still implement most of the following actions.

  • Market research
  • Strategy planning
  • Copywriting for content marketing
  • Customer service
  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Agility
  • Data analytics

To go one step further, a startup business may begin with the local market where the audience and customers are locally based. But the day when this startup has been doing well to serve the local customers, it may launch a new plan to expand to a second market, a third market, and so on. Eventually it could become a global business targeting many countries and regions across the world. So the concept is like this: Different sets of marketing strategies should be applied to local marketing and global marketing.


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