The Work Specialties of Alternative Investment and Asset Management


While going thru the CrunchBase, I noticed that one person listed, Frederic Michel Verdier had as his work specialties Alternative Investments and Asset Management. Never hearing of these specialties, I felt it was time for me to get educated in these fields. 

Alternative investment

An alternative investment or AIF (alternative investment fund) is an investment or fund used to invests in assets that are classed other than cash, stocks, and bonds. This is a relatively loose term and includes tangible assets such as:

  • Precious metal
  • Wine
  • Antiques
  • Stamps
  • Coins

It also includes some financial assets such as:

  • Private equity
  • Real estate commodities
  • Hedge funds
  • Distressed securities
  • Exchange funds
  • Carbon credits
  • Film productions
  • Venture capital
  • Financial derivatives
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Investment in real estate, forestry, and shipping

These are termed “alternative” even back in ancient times when the use of such real assets was preserved as well as enhanced as true wealth. In early Roman times, if you were a man with storehouses full of wine; your wealth was determined by this intangible or alternative asset.

Last century

In fact, in the last century, fancy diamonds of various colors have also emerged as an alternative investment class. Alternative investments, as can be seen, are quite different from traditional investments with another example being cryptocurrencies.

Asset management

Asset management is a reference of an approach to the control and understanding of value from items that a group or some person is responsible for, over its entire life cycle. It can be applied to both tangible assets and intangible assets. The management of assets is the systemic procedures of developing, retaining, and improving, and in some cases the disposing of assets in a way that is most cost-effective. 


Many companies strive to offer investors with a range of strategies for the countries each company is in. Every country has different objectives and tolerance for risk. So, if there are any companies you would like to invest in, you should get as much information as possible about the assets of these companies you are interested in investing in as well as the countries that they are located in.

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