Three Tips for Selecting the Best Exhibit Design Firm for Your Business


One could argue that marketing may be more important to your business than your actual product. A particularly effective way to engage potential customers is through interactive, visual storytelling. This is where exhibition design comes into play.

Exhibition design integrates various mediums and narratives to convey a story through graphic design, architecture, interior design and other multimedia forms of communication. Whether showcasing art, designing a venue or setting up a store, successful exhibition design draws individuals into your space while sending a message. This is an important role, so here are three tips for finding the best exhibit design firms for you.

1. Review Previous Work

Exhibit design is visual by nature, so it is only natural that designers will offer a portfolio of their previous work, usually on their website. Pay close attention to things like the uniqueness of the exhibit, the colors selected, the material quality and the lighting of the event.

Past work will also give you an idea of the various forms of technology the firm is willing to work with. This is likely an important aspect of your exhibit design, whether that entails LED lighting or virtual reality.

2. Consider Experience Level

Consider the following questions before choosing a firm:

  • How many displays does the firm design and build each year?
  • How many return customers do they welcome back?
  • How long have they been in the field?

3. Determine Your Budget

It is important to ensure that the firm you choose to work with has an array of options that work best with your budget.

Keep in mind that the cheapest option isn’t necessarily the wisest to pursue, although neither is the most expensive. Quality is important and so is staying within budget. Determine what is included in the cost of the package you select. Can the firm set up your exhibit and also take it back down? What about transportation? Storage? If a single firm can take care of most of the services your exhibit requires, it may be worth the extra dollar to mitigate unnecessary hassle coordinating multiple contractors.

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