What is Collaborative Divorce, And is it Right For You?


A collaborative divorce is a type of divorce procedure that facilitates negotiation regarding divorce terms without any intervention from the court. An agreement is reached between couples with the help of mediation and negotiation regarding issues like asset division, alimony, child support, custody, etc. Consult a Boston divorce lawyer to seek the best attorney for your divorce agreement and negotiations.

Working through collaborative divorce

The collaborative divorce procedure starts with a discussion between the spouses to ensure they are on the same page regarding the collaborative approach to divorce. It is essential to negotiate and work together to reach an agreement. If any of the spouses raise an objection regarding the process, the divorce will not work out. 

After that, both spouses are required to hire a competent attorney experienced in handling collaborative divorce cases.

Discuss with your attorney about your wants and needs regarding the process and how you would prefer the assets and custody of your child to be divided.

After meeting with the attorney, a “no court agreement” is signed between both spouses, which gives the right to withdraw to attorneys in case one of the spouses leaves the collaborative divorce to start court litigation.

After multiple meetings and discussions, the lawyers drafted a settlement agreement for both parties. Make sure to read it before signing it thoroughly. If the agreement is just and fair, the judge will sign it as well, and the divorce and its conditions become a court order. This is the final step of your collaborative approach to divorce.

Is Collaborative Divorce the Right Option for Me?

The answer to this question entirely depends on each spouse’s will to negotiate and work together. For specific reasons, like domestic violence or others, you and your spouse may have trouble communicating. Other approaches to divorce are a better option compared to this. 

To get an outcome from this approach to divorce, the couple must be willing to keep their differences and issues away and participate in discussion with reason and logic. This process facilitates saving time as well as money. 

Divorces or splits do get messy and bitter. However, court intervention may not grant you the desired proportion of assets and ownership of other assets. The collaborative approach to divorce eliminates this possibility and promotes discussing issues related to divorce without any interference from the judge or other third party.

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