When it’s really important to hire a divorce lawyer


If you live in Utah, you can file for a no-fault divorce, citing ‘irreconcilable differences’ as the reason. As long as you and your spouse agree to cooperate on important matters, and fulfil residency requirements, finalizing the divorce should be easy. So, when you can always opt for a do-it-yourself divorce, do you really need an attorney? In the real world, divorces are often complicated and can drag for long. In this post, we are sharing some of the circumstances when hiring a Sandy divorce lawyer is really important. 

  1. When your spouse has hired a lawyer. In Utah, the same lawyer cannot represent both spouses in a divorce, because of conflict of interest. If your spouse has hired a lawyer, it is pretty apparent that they are prepping for all circumstances and situations. You need an attorney, to ensure that your rights and interests are protected. 
  2. When your spouse is threatening you. If your marriage involved domestic violence, or you fear imminent harm from your spouse, you need to ‘lawyer up’. Your divorce attorney can get a protective or restraining order, which will heighten the consequences, in case your spouse tries to harass you further. 
  3. When you are unsure of your decisions. People are often emotionally charged when it comes to divorce decisions. It is often hard to see through the circumstances, to make sensible choices. You must consult a family law attorney when you need legal advice. Your friends and family members are great for emotional support, but for legal things, you need a lawyer. 
  4. When you need help with child custody. Lawyers have a big role in mediation in divorces. They can negotiate with your spouse and their lawyer, as needed, to come to an agreement that’s acceptable to both. When it comes to child custody, the best interests of your child should be your priority, and your lawyer can reason on important issues in a more convincing manner. 
  5. When you have significant marital assets. Utah allows for equitable distribution of marital assets and properties. This, however, doesn’t always mean equal. Consider hiring a lawyer, when you want to get a fair settlement. If you qualify for spousal support or alimony, your attorney will guide on that too. 

Get a lawyer as soon as you decide on the divorce. For uncontested divorces, hiring an attorney doesn’t have to be an expensive affair, as most divorce lawyers work on a flat or hourly fee. 

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