Facebook Advertising Trends to Look Out for in 2020


According to Facebook, about 6 million businesses currently use Facebook Ads worldwide. This huge advertising platform is also the preferred channel of 67% of marketers, based on a 2019 Social Media Marketing Industry Report.     

So, if you want to create successful ad campaigns using Facebook Ads, here’s a list of 4 of the most important Facebook advertising trends to look out for in 2020:  

Trend # 1:  Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation Tools will be used more.

Artificial inteligence (AI) is the next big thing in various niches and industries, especially in the technological world, and Facebook spends millions of dollars in developing and incorporating it into its massive advertising platform. There are currently some great automation tools that Facebook has introduced, such as Automatic Placements, Automatic Language Translation, and Multiple Text Optimization.  

The Automatic Placements tool optimizes the ad cost by choosing where it will run – whether in Messenger, Instagram, or on the Facebook News Feed. Facebook can also auto-translate an ad in a specific language with the Automatic Language Translation feature. Although not fully rolled out yet, the fantastic Multiple Text Optimization tool will enable an ad to be shown in different combinations of text based on what a specific audience will most likely respond to best.   

Trend # 2: More Facebook Stories Ads

Facebook Stories currently has over 500 million users every day. Facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerberg has pointed out that Stories will have a key role in the feed because people want to view stories that happen in real-time. The feature supports user privacy as well, which is something that many people find extremely important. Mobile-shot stories are more effective to audiences than studio-shot ones, which means that the cost can remain relatively low on production. To help increase engagement, Facebook offers poll stickers for Stories Ads. 

Trend # 3: Video Will Continue to be Number 1 for Engagement 

To date, video is still king, ranking number 1 among content types for engaging audiences. Although high-quality videos are more expensive to produce, many advertisers think that the expense is worthwhile.  

Both Facebook Live and Facebook video posts have greatly impacted how businesses and brands deliver content and how audiences consume them. More than 8 billion videos are viewed every single day on Facebook. So whether those videos are running in Stories or on the News Feed, it is still the best way to connect with current and potential customers.  

Trend # 4: Integration of Messenger and Chatbots 

To date, there are currently more than 100,000 active bots on Facebook Messenger per month. While businesses who adopted this tool early mainly use it to improve their customer service, they can also be used in a variety of different ways. Businesses and brands can also use chatbots to send customers new content, special offers, and new releases. Many of those who have already done this have seen a massive increase in sales and profits.

If your business’ goal is to improve the performance of advertising and increase ad engagement (as also seen on other platforms such as AdsSupply, Taboola, etc.), then Facebook Ads can definitely help you extend your reach and ensure that your friends and followers are seeing and interacting with your promoted content. For 2020, having a solid Facebook ads plan, and taking these trends into account is more important than ever.                  

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