Attorney Anthoney O. Van Johnson of Atlanta Discusses Cuba’s System Of Justice With Senior Officials


When the name Cuba is pronounced, it signals a series of memories that have defined the bad blood between the U.S and Cuba. Since the days of JF. Kennedy when the U.S/Cuban relations deteriorated and the foreign relations frozen, many Americans have been skeptical about traveling to a country so close yet so far. However, the Obama administration brought a new approach to the long-standing and ruined diplomatic relations by easing travel bans save for the strict embargo established years ago by the Kennedy administration under the Foreign Assistance Act. The restrictions banned all manner of importation from Cuba or that passed through Cuba. 

However, the new wave enabled the U.S to select a team of high-profile lawyers and attorneys to travel to Cuba for purposes of studying the country’s constitutional and jurisprudence. Among the team of lawyers was Anthony O. Van Johnson, who for many years has been actively involved in studying some of the world’s complex legal systems and helping both private citizens and governments on matters of legal representation.  After graduating with a Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D) from the law school at Loyola University, Anthony Van Johnson was admitted to the Georgia District Court, Supreme Court of Georgia, Court of Appeals. Since then, he has helped thousands of clients to get justice at all levels of courts. 

While in Cuba, Attorney Anthony O Van Johnson carefully studied the legal and justice system and discussed with some of Cuba’s renowned professors of law and reputed legal minds. These discussions enabled him to take home key findings of the working of the constitution of Cuba and how the system has continued to improve from worse to fair over the years. Because of his keen eye for detail and the desire for perfection, Van Johnson’s performance among the group of selected lawyers was superior that he was awarded the Certificado in Havana, as a recognition of his incredible contributions. In addition, “I Change Nations,” awarded him the Global Leadership Award, a Global Leadership Award, a highly coveted award for his immense contribution to the development of the field of law and long years of humanitarian efforts to effectively impacting nations.

As a thorough legal mind specializing in numerous areas of law, Anthony has provided both pro bono and paid legal representation to thousands of clients. Whether it is cases involving personal injury, family law, criminal law, or civil litigation, Attorney Anthony O Van Johnson has traversed the U.S to help clients handle cases of complex nature. Because he understands that the rights of the client are primary, Anthony Van Johnson is always committed to fighting for the rights and interests of all his clients no matter the circumstances. 

While on the tour to Cuba, Anthony Van O. Johnson had a rare opportunity to connect with the world’s leading lawyers and prosecutors and law professors, legal scholars, and legal system experts. Through the interaction, he learned that Cuba’s laws have changed dramatically since the collapse of the Berlin wall in 19991. The changes, according to the findings, were necessitated by the need to respond to the new age. For example, the constitutional amendments of 1992 recognized economic arrangements that were completely non-socialist such as corporations, ventures, and guaranteed non-discrimination on the basis of religion. This meant that any person regardless of his or her religious inclination can be a member of the Cuban Communist Party.

What this visit meant is that Attorney Anthony O Van Johnson is fully equipped it nearly all knowledge about the legal system of a country that has for many years kept off the U.S and its allies. Clearly, this has opened up his understanding of many other legal and justice systems of socialist countries.

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